the time always comes

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Monday, July 11, 2005

Well - it's my maiden flight, but as they say...

...the time always comes...

When the people wake up.
When you shake off the torpor.
When you realise you are needed.
When you add your voice to the throng.
When you have to set it down for the record.
When you have to stare your doubters down.

When you can't sit on your arse producing content for someone else's show any more. When you can't listen to crap without realising you can beat them at their own game. When you realise that if you didn't join them in the first place, you could tell the truth better than they tell their tawdry lies.

...oh yes, the time always comes.

Anyway, enough of the corny introduction to my blog. I was attempting to deploy some of the less subtle marketing techniques I've learnt as a monkey in someone else's machine - have I saturated you with my brand yet? Did I not mention that the time always comes?

I think the Great Bard of Sheffield (the Great Bull Shitter?) and highly hot Mr. Phil Oakey put it far more eloquently in a song that always fills my head just as defiant tears of rejection (professional, never personal) are about to fill my eyes.

Open Your Heart is the greatest song of a generation, spearheading an album which is often touted as 'the White Album' of the 80s, but is in fact far more brilliant... and that is no small praise, for I am no Beatles-basher:

".....but if you can stand the test you know your worst is better than their best......"

Well Phil.... the time always comes to stand the test.


Blogger Rowena said...

what the world is waiting for darlin' … you finally did it!

9:32 pm  

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