the time always comes

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Monday, January 23, 2006

Anger at the blood lust of a geek - a somewhat delayed reaction

Or... "Proof that we live in a big bad world #23,822"

My friend at work just mentioned that a woman he had just spoken to was a big fan of looking at burns victims on websites - which is quite wrong, though entirely in keeping with our voyeuristic times. This made me think, for the first time in ages, of the lurking spectre that was present at my car accident at 2am near the Vic Market some 8 years ago.

I guess the crash looked quite spectacular, with my crumpled VW '73 model Beetle flying sideways to be impaled on the 'No Right Turn' sign I would've done well to clock before the fact. It probably looked like blood, guts and corpses would make a showing. As it happens, I sat forlornly but unscratched with my crumpled wreck for some time before it was dislodged and dragged to the scrapyard, never to be seen again - my trainered feet dangling out the side of an old friend. But from the outside it must've looked like someone had died and was yet to be taken away. Indeed, some friends of mine - who'd wisely decided to walk from the same venue at which I'd been DJing in the happier, earlier hours of that evening - saw my little feet poking out of the stricken vehicle and gasped in horror, thinking they were casting their eyes over the erstwhile me.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my small, belated rush of indignance that the strange man who was inexplicably filming the night's proceedings from the safe distance of the street corner (at two in the morning) was probably thinking, nay, hoping for the same thing! What a sick fuck!! He was hoping for a glimpse of my brains, dashed against the windscreen - and for no other reason than to satisfy his compulsion to see (and film - for a subsequent wank?!!) guts spill. Bet he felt ripped off that he was merely witnessing the birth of yet another boring insurance claim. Oh, and the death of my olive green v-dub.

Anyway - lurking, leering, filming types at car accidents, hey... just further proof that there is no depravity to which we humans will not stoop in the pursuit of twisted kicks. And, to get another political stab in there - further reason to curtail the machinations of a free market which will cater to every one of these whims. Snuff films? Not if I'm the star, baby!

Well, I guess he's the one person I can identify from the gallery of characters from my past who I can say with any certainty 'wanted me dead", though I'm sure he wasn't the only one...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ick. Sounds awful, glad you are OK though.

8:46 pm  
Blogger BwcaBrownie said...

Glad you survived to tell us about it.
I am always appalled by newsfilm of anybody on a stretcher - Not Looking Their Best - who would refuse release of the film if only they were not being repaired while it aired.

8:16 pm  
Blogger ptolemydog said...

oh please - you only come alive when there's a camera around, an audience, a microphone. your life is a car crash - and we're all watching it. You wouldn't have it any other way.

1:51 am  
Blogger susanna said...

cousin - if my life is a car crash, yours is a waco-style mass suicide... and you're an extra.

8:57 am  
Blogger susanna said...

inger et de bled lest iv a geek a bro? by suzie

11:23 am  

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