the time always comes

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bah to it all

It's Saturday night tonight. I have had the night to myself. Here's what I did with it:

I trucked out to Heidelberg to see some young playwrights perform their original material after a last minute call to do a review. I cannot remember the last time I went to the theatre by myself. It is a soothing experience. Perhaps too soothing, because I needed to purchase an instant coffee in the interval to stay awake - not a reflection on the quality of the show, but on my general fatigue.

Afterwards I drove to a no-fuss Japanese restaurant I quite like, toying with the idea of dining toute seule on a Saturday night surrounded by horsey nouveaux northern suburbanites. I decided to get takeaway. I took home a delicious katsu curry and it was gone before I could even find a bowl for it. Mmmm, takeaway out of the container in front of the TV. I left a little in the container for Chris when he gets home - lucky him, I'm sure it will taste even better with beer-stained tastebuds at 2am.

I then made a cup of Earl Grey and sat down at my computer to hammer out some quick words on the theatre, but was distracted by routine checks of facebook, the papers and this here languishing blog. And though I've got a handful of half-finished rants in my draft folder that need to go up before they become atopical, I felt I could no longer look at my last post.

So yes, I am brewing up a couple of more intellectually rigourous posts, but given my current workload, I fear they might average a sentence a week's worth of my attention at the moment. Yes, it's like pulling teeth. So here's the sweetener.


Blogger Melanie Myers said...

You review theatre? - awesome! Did you come at this from a theatre background or a writing background?

Was down in Melbourne myself last week & went to see a friend in a play that running in Brunswick. It was very good, but it was a David Mamet play and the actresses, including my friend, were excellent.

I sympathise with the half-baked posts - the ones of the great ideas that languish in the draft box until they resemble that half used tin of baked beans that's been in the fridge for a month, or 2..or 3.

10:07 am  
Blogger susanna said...

Howdy Blakkat!

It's a relatively new gig. I wish I could say I've come at it from an acting background, but no... just a boring writer, like everyone else round these internet parts!

A friend who IS an actress (and with terrific comic timing I might add - how I admire those folk) put me onto this little number. And for that I am eternally grateful.

Re postings: your recent posts have been a good deal more satisfying than my efforts, I'm afraid, so thanks for continuing to stop by. I can't think of a comment worthy of your last blog post, in fact. There are a number of issues pestering my tired brain at the moment, but I can't do them justice. The baked bean analogy is apt.

10:39 am  

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