I watched Lateline last night... can't you tell?
Two recent indicators that Aussie politicians are desperate whores:
John Howard (the most unco-ordinated, unpopular boy at his elitist school for snotty little brats I'll wager) trying to convince some Pakistani school kids he knows what a cricket ball is for and having it trickle pathetically to a standstill halfway down the pitch. Jeanette probably knows all about that action of his.
Barnaby and the other Nationals prickteasing us all with their maybe-I-will, maybe-I-won't stance on the IR laws. THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO!!! But like the frumpy wallflower at a 1950s prom, they thought their prevaricating might create some interest, some sniffing around from their suitor (the general public) where before there was utter disinterest.
SHAME, you bunch of fuckers.