the time always comes

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Friday, November 25, 2005

I watched Lateline last night... can't you tell?

Two recent indicators that Aussie politicians are desperate whores:

John Howard (the most unco-ordinated, unpopular boy at his elitist school for snotty little brats I'll wager) trying to convince some Pakistani school kids he knows what a cricket ball is for and having it trickle pathetically to a standstill halfway down the pitch. Jeanette probably knows all about that action of his.

Barnaby and the other Nationals prickteasing us all with their maybe-I-will, maybe-I-won't stance on the IR laws. THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO!!! But like the frumpy wallflower at a 1950s prom, they thought their prevaricating might create some interest, some sniffing around from their suitor (the general public) where before there was utter disinterest.

SHAME, you bunch of fuckers.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My darling dollface

You're one in a million.