the time always comes

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Thursday, November 01, 2007

What a sorry couple of days it's been for Victoria. Justin Madden, who obviously knows all about planning and the environment given his illustrious erstwhile career as an AFL player, has sold Port Phillip Bay up the river. Sorry for the crap, unintentional pun - nothing about this situation is funny, or hopeful.



Blogger davey said...

What happened?

Sorry, out of touch with Australian politics right now.

9:30 am  
Blogger susanna said...

Oh, sorry davey - I sometimes forget my overseas audience (all three of them)!

Basically, a proposal to deepen the channel in Port Phillip Bay, (dredge it, in other words), which will have devastating effects on marine life and ecosystems, was approved by the Victorian planning minister (Madden) this week.

It still has to go past the Federal environment minister (whoever that will be after 24/11), but given that an ALP state govt. has approved it, there's not much chance of it being blocked by them (much less Turnbull) at a Fed level.

I'll try and find a link for you.

10:24 am  

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